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What Do Eating Disorder Coaches Do?

Help Clients with Day to Day Struggles.

Coaches can support clients in situations where it is not feasible for the client's treatment team.

Ocean View
Healthy Lunch

Provide Meal Support

The Carolyn Costin Institute trains coaches to provide carious meal support services, including restaurant outings, grocery shopping, in-home cooking, and more.


Attend Special Events

Clients, or their loved ones, can hire coaches to attend special events such as weddings, or even vacations, where extra guidance and support may be needed to help the client abstain from eating disorder behaviors.


Provide Support At Home, Work or School

Coaches meet clients on their lunch break at work or at school and can even spend time as live-in assistants helping clients transition home after treatment or during difficult times.

Work With the Client's Treatment Team

CCI trains coaches how to best work with each client's treatment team, assisting the client in following through with the agreed upon goals.

Sunset at the Beach
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